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Mochi with Maple & Honey Mitarashi and Butter

Mochi with Maple & Honey Mitarashi and Butter

Products for this recipe

メープルハニー (1000g)
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Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Rice cakes

    4 pieces

  • Butter

    as appropriate

  • water[Sauce]


  • Soy sauce[Sauce]

    2 and 1/2 tablespoons

  • Maple & Honey[Sauce]

    2 and 1/2 tablespoons

  • Potato starch [Sauce]

    1 tablespoon

How to make:

1Make the sauce. Add water, soy sauce, Maple & Honey and potato starch to a pot and place on the heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and mix quickly for about 3 minutes until the whole mixture becomes translucent and thick.

2Grill the rice cakes and place them on a plate. Pour the sauce from (1) over the rice cakes and garnish with butter.

3Key point to remember
If the sauce is not sweet enough, increase the amount of Maple & Honey. When mixing, be careful to move the spatula quickly to avoid lumps. Instead of grilled rice cakes, you can also enjoy boiled rice cakes or shiratama (rice-flour dumplings) coated in the sauce.

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