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Honey Strawberry Fruit Sandwich with Fruit Juice

Honey Strawberry Fruit Sandwich with Fruit Juice

Products for this recipe

ゆず蜜 (500g)
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Ingredients (for 4 servings)

  • Sliced bread


  • Strawberry

    8 pieces

  • whipping cream


  • Yuzu & Honey

    1 and 1/2 tablespoon

How to make:

1Remove the stems from the strawberries, wash and dry them.

2Put the cream and yuzu honey in a bowl over ice and beat thoroughly with a hand mixer until the mixture forms firm ridges.

3Place a slice of bread on a cutting board with plastic wrap spread over it. Place 1/4 of (2) on top of the bread, and place 3 strawberries in the center of the bread. Place the quartered strawberries in the gap and put 1/4 of (2) on top. Wrap another sheet of bread on top and press down lightly with your hands. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.

4Place (3) in the refrigerator for 1 hour and cut each piece of plastic wrap into 2 halves.

5Key point to remember
Using yuzu honey instead of sugar gives the cream a refreshing sweetness. You can also substitute half of the cream with cream cheese. Try using your favorite seasonal fruit in place of strawberries for a different variation.

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