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Plum Pickled in Honey somen noodles

Plum Pickled in Honey somen noodles

Products for this recipe

梅みつ 850g
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Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Somen noodles

     4 bundles (200g)

  • Pork Loin (For shabu shabu)


  • Grated daikon radish

     as appropriate

  • Dried plum

     2 pieces

  • Condiments such as perilla leaf, etc.

     as appropriate

  • "mentsuyu" Strong dashi broth


  • "mentsuyu" Plum Pickled in Honey


  • "mentsuyu" Soy sauce


  • "mentsuyu" Pickled plums

     2 pieces

  • "mentsuyu" Salt

     A little

How to make:

1Make "mentsuyu." Pour the "mentsuyu" ingredients into the pot and cook at medium heat. Turn off flame once boiled, and let cool. Chill thoroughly in fridge.

2Boil plenty of water in a large pot, and add 200mL cold water (additional amount). Add pork slices, unfolding them out while letting them cook. Remove pits from the dried plum, and chop condiments into bite size pieces.

3Cook somen according to package instructions. Rinse thoroughly under running water until noodles are no longer viscous. Soak in ice water, then drain water from noodles.

4Arrange the somen in (3) in a bowl along with pork and grated daikon. Pour "mentsuyu" over it evenly, and top with pickled plums and condiments. 

5《 One point advice. 》
Using Plum Pickled in Honey creates a mentsuyu soup base with a more fragrant and refreshing flavor. Lowering the temperature of the hot water before putting in the pork prevents it from clumping and over-cooking.

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