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Miso-Stewed Udon Made with Ginger Pickled in Honey

Miso-Stewed Udon Made with Ginger Pickled in Honey

Products for this recipe

しょうが漬け (850g)
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Ingredients (for 1 servings)

  • Udon1 bundle

    Chicken thigh:70g

  • Naganegi (Japanese leek):1/4 piece

    Shiitake mushrooms:1 piece

  • fish cake:1/4 piece

    Fried tofu:1 slice

  • Ginger slices of Ginger Pickled in Honey:20g


  • Dashi soup stock:500mL

    【A】Combined miso:3 - 4 tablespoons

  • 【A】Ginger Pickled in Honey:2 tablespoons

    【A】Soy sauce:1 tablespoon

How to make:

1 Cut chicken thigh meat into bite-sized pieces. Cut the leeks into 1-1.5cm diagonal pieces. Remove the steps of the shiitake and cut them into halves.

2Cut the fish cake into bite-sized thickness. Remove oil from aburaage with hot water, and cut into small rectangular pieces.

3 Mix [A] together in a bowl and set aside.

4Pour broth into pot, and once boiling, add the chicken meat. Once this has boiled, add the leek, shiitake, aburaage, Ginger Pickled in Honey soy sauce, and simmer until cooked. Add the fish cake and udon simmer for two minutes, mix in 3), crack the egg in and cook until the egg is half-cooked.
【one point advice】
Adjust the amount of Ginger Pickled in Honey as you like. Adding a variety of ingredients brings out a delicious umami in the dish. Changing the miso to red miso will make it the flavor more authentic.

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