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Honey-rich Tarte Tatin

Honey-rich Tarte Tatin

Products for this recipe

ニュージーランド産 マヌカ蜜 (500g/瓶)
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Ingredients (for 4 servings)

  • Apple


  • Pancake Mix


  • Milk


  • Egg


  • Apple & Honey

    2 tablespoons

  • Raisins


  • Rum

    1 tablespoon

  • Butter


  • Manuka Honey

    1 tablespoon

  • Cinnamon:as appropriate

    Mint:as appropriate

How to make:

1 Remove the core of the apple and slice without removing the skin. Soak the raisins in the rum.

2Mix the eggs and milk in a bowl. Add the pancake mix and the raisins along with the rum from ①, and mix roughly.

3Heat butter in a pan and sauté the apples, and once they are covered in butter, add the Apple & Honey and sauté until the apples turn light golden brown. Line up the apples in the center of the pan, add ② and cook with covered lid on medium heat for about 8 minutes.

4Once it has finished cooking, cover the pan with a plate and flip it over. Add cinnamon to taste and decorate with mint. Enjoy with plentiful manuka honey poured on top.
【one point advice】
It can also be made tastily with Fruit Juice Infused Honey outside of Apple & Honey. Cut the apple into thick slices to enjoy the texture.

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