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Yogurt parfait with strawberries and Comb Honey

Yogurt parfait with strawberries and Comb Honey

Products for this recipe

ハンガリー産 巣房蜜
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Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Strawberry

    8 - 10 pieces

  • Yuzu & Honey

    1 - 2 tablespoons

  • Cornflakes


  • Vanilla ice cream

    as appropriate

  • Mint

    as appropriate

  • Comb honey made in Hungary

    as appropriate

  • 【Honey yogurt sauce】

    Strained yogurt:100g
    Cottage cheese:100g

  • Acacia Honey- Made in Hungary:2 tablespoons

How to make:

1Make the honey yogurt sauce by combining the ingredients in a bowl and mixing them together.

2Take off the strawberry stems and cut them into four equal parts vertically.
Marinate them with Yuzu & Honey.

3Put one serving of cornflakes into each glass, then add honey yogurt sauce and marinated strawberries, one serving at a time.

4Place vanilla ice cream using a scoop, decorate with strawberries for garnish and drizzle with Comb Honey, and add a sprig of mint.

Please use your preferred flavor for ice cream, not just vanilla.
To make strained yogurt, place yogurt on a sieve lined with kitchen paper and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight.

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