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Chicken Breast Cutlet with Sesame Sauce

Chicken Breast Cutlet with Sesame Sauce

Products for this recipe

ニュージーランド産 マヌカ蜜 (500g/瓶)
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Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Chicken Breast:1 piece

    Salt:A little

  • Cooking sake:2 teaspoons

    Bread crumbs:as appropriate

  • Cooking oil:as appropriate

    Lemon:as appropriate

  • 【Batter】Cake flour:5 tablespoon

    【Batter】water:5 tablespoon

  • 【Sesame Sauce】Medium thick sauce:3 tablespoon

  • 【Sesame Sauce】Manuka Honey:1 tablespoon

  • 【Sesame Sauce】White sesame:1 Tbsp each

How to make:

1Thoroughly combine the ingredients for the [Sesame Sauce].

2Remove any excess fat from the chicken breast, cut it into 2 cm-thick slices against the grain, and rub with salt and sake to coat evenly.

3Add the [Batter] ingredients to a bowl and mix well.

4Dip the chicken breast from 2. into the batter and coat with breadcrumbs, pressing down to ensure they stick.
Fry in oil heated to 170°C for about 5 minutes until golden brown, making sure to turn halfway through.

5Arrange the cooked cutlets on a plate and  drizzle with [Sesame Sauce].
Add a squeeze of lemon juice to taste.

Cutting the chicken breast against the grain will result in a tender and juicy cutlet.
Mixing ground sesame seeds with roasted sesame seeds will enhance both texture and flavor.

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