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Fruit Juice Honey Sandwich cookies

Fruit Juice Honey Sandwich cookies

Products for this recipe

果汁蜜5本ギフト(ゆず蜜、ブルーベリー、巨峰、マンゴー、レモン) GML5P
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Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Soft wheat flour(cake flour)


  • Salad oil


  • Honey


  • Your favorite Fruit Juice Honey

    as appropriate

How to make:

1Place the flour and salad oil in a plastic bag then mix together by kneading. 
Add the honey and knead some more until the dough has a uniform texture.

While still in the plastic bag, roll with a rolling pin to a thickness of 3-5 mm

2Preheat oven to 170.Pull the dough into the shapes that you want. 
At this time, make a hole in one of two cookies that will be stacked together. The hole will be filled with Fruit Juice Honey.

3Bake in the oven for approximately 12 minutes.
You can adjust the baking time by watching how the cookies are baking so they don't get burnt.

4After the baked cookies have cooled down, you can lightly spread Fruit Juice Honey on the cookies without holes then place the cookies with holes on top of them to make a Fruit Juice Honey sandwich.
Lastly, add Fruit Juice Honey inside the holes and your sandwich cookies are complete!

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