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Hot chocolate

Hot chocolate

Products for this recipe

ブルーベリー&ハニー (500g)
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Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Blueberry & Honey

    Suitable amount

  • Chocolate bar

    1 piece (50g)

  • Milk


  • Marshmallow, if you like


How to make:

1Chop a chocolate bar into fine pieces.

2Add milk to a saucepan and let boil while stirring with a whisk. 

3Turn off the heat on ② then mix well with a whisk while adding ① little by little. After it melts, turn on the heat again, let it warm then pour into a cup.

4If you like, add marshmallows. Finish by sprinkling with Blueberries & Honey.

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