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Salmon with Yuzu & Honey mustard

Salmon with Yuzu & Honey mustard

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ゆず蜜 (1000g)
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Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Raw salmon (sliced) 2 pieces

    Butter 10g

  • Olive oil 1 tablespoon

    Salt and Pepper One pinch

  • Lemon slices as appropriate

    FLOUR as appropriate

  • side vegetables as appropriate

  • Coarse mustard[Yuzu & Honey Mustard] 3 tablespoons

  • Yuzu & Honey[Yuzu & Honey Mustard] 1 tablespoon

  • Grated garlic[Yuzu & Honey Mustard] 1/2 teaspoon

  • Salt[Yuzu & Honey Mustard] 1/3 teaspoon

How to make:

1Mix the ingredients for [Yuzu & Honey Mustard] well.

2Rinse the raw salmon lightly, remove the water with a paper towel, season with salt and pepper, and cover with flour.

3Add butter and olive oil to the frying pan, heat them up, and add the raw salmon once warm.

4Scoop the oil onto the salmon with a spoon and cook until both surfaces are well browned, the skin is crispy, and it is cooked thoroughly.

5Arrange on a plate together with side vegetables, dress with [Yuzu & Honey Mustard], and squeeze a lemon if preferred.

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